I have a Player and following camera moving in the Z-direction which both start with different speeds, but with the camera behind the Player. I am trying to write a script that will speed up or slow down the Player so that a desired set distance can be reached. At this time, I would like to set the speed of the Player to the same as that of the Camera, so the distance can be maintained.
I have started a basic script which tries to do what I have described, but its not working. If anyone can provide any advice on how to do this that would be great. The script is attached to the MainCamera.
public GameObject PlayerObj;
// The Distance we want to maintain
public float Distance;
// Used to hold the distance between Player and Camera
private float Gap;
private float playerCurrentSpeed;
void Start ()
// Store the Player's speed before any changes
playerCurrentSpeed = PlayerObj.GetComponent().Speed;
void Update ()
Gap = Mathf.Abs(gameObject.transform.position.z - PlayerObj.transform.position.z);
Debug.Log("Gap = " + Gap);
// If the distance is larger than our desired distance..
if (Gap > Distance)
// Decrease the speed of the Player to reach the desired distance (every second)
//PlayerObj.GetComponent().Speed -= Time.deltaTime;
// When the desired distance is reached, set the Player's speed to match the Camera's
// If the distance is smaller than our desired distance..
if (Gap < Distance)
// Increase the speed of the Player to reach the desired distance (every second)
//PlayerObj.GetComponent().Speed += Time.deltaTime;
PlayerObj.GetComponent().Speed = gameObject.GetComponent().Speed;